This 5 year old horse was a rescue and as you can see almost died before original owner got him back and called to see if CRS GOLD DFM could help him. He was given CRS GOLD Probiotic Gel and CRS GOLD Electrolyte Gel for the first 4 days with a tiny amount of hay; On the 4th day, he started eating and drinking. Then the CRS GOLD powder was top-dressed on his food. In 3 weeks he looked so much better although sunburned and underweight.The last picture, taken just five weeks after starting CRS GOLD DFM is truly an amazing testimony for the product!
The weanling pictured above developed scours when he was taken away from Mom, wormed and introduced to hay and grain. The vet was with him twice and said he had done all he could to help the little guy. The owner called and asked if CRS GOLD products could help and the same procedure as with the rescue horse (see above text) was followed. On the 4th day he started eating and drinking... (CRS GOLD has now developed a foal gel to help prevent scours if given soon after birth.)
This picture was emailed from a customer who lives in Alabama. She said she had tried everything to help her horse gain weight and have a better hair coat. She purchased CRS GOLD DFM at the AL Horse Fair and emailed these pictures 6 weeks later. Her farrier was very impressed with the hoof quality of her horse after she started feeding CRS GOLD. The hair coat is slick and shiny, too.
10# Pail has 320 servings